Saturday, 28 March 2009

Roll it Up

When I was a kid, I use to roll my jeans up, only because I grew so quickly and my mom would buy me jeans that would with stand my growth! But now it’s a fashion thingy, and it looks cool! But I want to know how much is too much, it’s ok to roll, but how much is too much?

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

OTT – Over The Top

Thinking big is sometimes how we work, but what happens if it isn’t realistic, should we still go ahead and try and make it. Recently we had a book crit and showed our work to a CD who suggested we should put our “business heads” on! WTF, now I know we should be working to a realistic goal, but why should we limit ourselves, if we don’t think the unbelievable is believable where is the creativity?

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

The new Bravia TV ad

Ok so Zoetroping is the next big thing? It’s a good idea because it takes us back to what TV and motion graphics use to be, but saying that they haven’t made the right connection. TV today is supposed to be fast and smooth and above all clear, but by showing it through a Zoetrope we almost see the faults that TV has. The ad would have worked better if the end line was ‘bravia is so much better then this we cant show you on a regular TV ’ well maybe not better but might have made sense.

I once saw a live model of Zoetrope; it was at the Pixar exhibition in London. It was one of the most impressing things I have seen. To be able to see these characters from Toy Story move like they are real. I am now wondering if this will be what we will see after 3D comes to life. Will they make some new break through we can actually see the characters in real form. I’m not talking about holograms, it would only work if it wasn’t transparent and we could be our own directors and view the film from any direction we felt necessary.

Maybe that should have been the ad. Watching something on a Bravia screen is like seeing it there in real life. Wait a minute that sounds like it has been done before.