Friday 20 November 2009

One polar bear, two polar bear, three polar bear, floor!

Wow pretty hard hitting...great vfx, really looks real...this makes me think of Lost though...

Polar Bear from Plane Stupid on Vimeo.

Thursday 19 November 2009

In love with a toaster

I have always wondered how it would feel to fall in love with an inanimate object, the advertising company Sell Sell have created a short film in super 8 cine film. Nice story, and if I fell in love with an object, I think mine would be a glass, so when i was having a sip, i would be secretly kissing it.

Sell Sell Blog

Friday 16 October 2009

The Last Noise

I have been using this to draw from it is for something we are working on. But I noticed something… is it me or does it look like Jesus has just let off a big old fart. All the disciples seem to have moved away from him with disgust. The guy on the right of him has put up his finger as to say “pull my finger.”

I think the interpretation of this image still needs to be discovered, but I think today we are one step closer!

Thursday 15 October 2009

Picture Perfect

The unique and alive 3D sculptures are made out of many photographs of the original subjects. When I see art like this I always wonder why…Maybe the artist is trying to interpret life in a new way. Are they bored of life? And therefore constantly creating new concepts to express life. I always find it fascinating with work like this, I always wonder if the artist was trying to show off his technique, exploit his new way of thinking, or maybe it is just an expression of oneself or are they just bored and thought this would look good.

When we look at these, what do we see? A human? Or a sculpture? The sculpture wouldn’t have the same realistic point of view if it was done with drawings, or possible different photographic images put together. In a way this is more life like then a sculpture or statue. Why is this, because I can see clearer details in these photos? Or is it because this is maybe how our mind works, we see something and with our mind we break it apart and analyse it. This process has already taken place in these sculptures. What I like about these, they are a mind f*ck, your mind is trying to believe they are real but you know very well they aren’t. So you are stuck in the middle.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Ear buds??

An experimentation with color, movement, absorption and the body. Some work from an artist team called Lucy and Bart, check out their other work here.

World Zombie Day in London

This is something I have done twice now, it involves a lot of makeup, intense limping and moaning noises. It’s only friggin World Zombie Day in London! If you have ever wondered what Kate Moss must feel like walking down Oxford Street, then do this. I have never been stared at quite so much! On our trip we stumbled onto a newly wed couple. Who were delighted to have their brains nibbled at. They were peacefully getting photographed at Piccadilly Circus when 50 zombies attacked, it was absolutely brilliant! If you want to do it next year, join the facebook group.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Finally! I will have the power to rule the world!

Its like being in control of your own John Malkovich, but its Gordon Brown, James Cameron and that other bloke...this is a nice idea from the agency called Lean Mean Fighting Machine. They have some amazing digital stuff! check it out!

Monday 12 October 2009

Bobby D

Jason Holroyd does motion graphics and this is a video he did for DandAd.

Check out his website here

Wednesday 7 October 2009

If my life was a film, i would have titles like this...

A really nice music video done by a director called Kevin Schofield, he was behind Diesel XXX

Check it out here

It is me... optimus prime!

Check me out as an autobot!
you too, could be an autobot, here

Monday 7 September 2009

Broadcast Magazine

This is a supplement which was in the Broadcast magazine called Hot Shots 2009. I am the one in the back, thanks Jo Taylor for entering me in.

Friday 31 July 2009

Shortlist Extract

This week is a travel guide to two terrible places:

Hell – Rooms are cavernous here in the heart of a lively and historical area. Benefits include year-round heat, a gym (with personal trainers who love to crack the whip) and a wild nightlife. Popular with celebrities.

Death Star – this modern and all-inclusive complex is part of the well-established Empire group. Now in its second incarnation, it has won several awards for catering thanks to its splendid canteen. Located close to the picturesque forest moon of Endor.

Saturday 25 July 2009

Any last requests?

Here are a series of images from a graphic designer called James Reynolds. The concept is documenting former Death Row prisoners request for their last meal before execution. NICE

It’s got me thinking, what mine would be… so here it is:
A large bar of chocolate (I’m talking big!)
A large glass of Sailor Jerry rum
A cigarette

How bloody daft is this!

I know this has been floating around the tinternet for a while now, but I love it, it’s just brilliant. It’s flawless! You start to watch it hoping they going to mess up… you know those miniature people who do the sign language in the corner on TV. Imagine they did this instead…

here is a nice site I found that has also been created around this song... WORK IT MAKE IT DO IT

Friday 24 July 2009

Clickedy Click!

I found this on Sell Sell blog and had to post it, its a genius but simple banner. I didnt want to stop clicking, and neither will you! half way through they almost use a sarcastic reverse psychology to keep you clicking, but once you start you just cant stop!

check it out here.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

I want to beep you too!

This is so unexpected; Natalie Portman comes across as such a prude! But this is just brilliant, wouldn’t it be great if others did a similar one, like the Queen, Sir Elton John or Prince Charles!

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Eye Candy

Could see this as an advert....

Who thought the dancing baby would have a comeback!

This works as a viral better then a tv ad, its a little less creepy. it reminds me of the Chatty Man adverts for Alan Carrs new show.

Monday 13 July 2009

No spray No Lay

Not sure if this is just a silly never going to work idea but maybe! Every time you press down on the pendent a fresh spray of perfume will be shot out So you never have to go “powder your nose” and miss a bit of the conversation, plus you will feel refreshed!

Subway Bouquet

This is something I thought of while doing a brief for Subway, but it didn’t fit to the rest of the campaign but I thought I could still scamp it up or Mac it up even…

The idea is when you fancy sending your bloke something and sending flowers would probably embarrass him, a subway would go down nicely. You choose the desired sandwich and fillings, pay online and then a Subway would make it and then deliver it to his door or office.

Monday 11 May 2009

Sooo one more from T-Mobil

The last one from them, most of the public loved, I believe they will continue to love this flash mob stuff, the angry ad Avatar’s (AAA) didn’t like it much, mainly because it has been done before. But despite this, it worked, life is for sharing, and O did people share this! The new sing-a-long add is funny, cringe and you seem to feel like you are among the crowd singing to hey Jude. It works! Don’t think people will like it as much as the flash dance, but it works.

Also the last one worked better because it had a ‘filming on your Mobil’ feel to it, this lost its originality.

Friday 17 April 2009

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Why not literally?

What a process it must be when you are in a band and need to come up with a name, you would be sitting there in your dramatic mood, thinking what do we stand for, what defines us, or maybe you were just high and had the munchies and all you had in the fridge was mammas nasty meat loaf, and decided that’s a genius name. I was just thinking what it would look like if you took their names literally and made up some art with what ever the words meant.

Here are some of my interpretations:

Green Day

The Doors

Right Said Fred

Friday 3 April 2009

Dance like nobodies watching!

Why can’t we just start dancing? Sitting on the tube, listening to music sometimes I get this urge just to stand up and make some moves. I know people would look at me and think WTF! So is this what it has comes down to, what people think? Well I am going to do it one day, at the moment I have got as far as tapping my foot and fingers at the same time, and the odd occasion, when sonny j – cant stop moving is on I slightly move my bum around. But this is disguised by the movement of the tube. Hears a thought, maybe we are all dancing, its just we can’t tell because of the movement of the tube.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Heaven is a half pipe

“Heaven was used in the acclaimed skate film Fully Flared directed by Spike Jonze and Ty Evans. The collaboration inspired the directors to take footage and re-edit a sequence of shots that shows the Lakai skateboarding team demonstrating their considerable skills as they navigate through and around various exploding obstacles.”

A performance, a piece of work, an idea, you get this little overwhelming feeling inside that stops everything for a second and allows you to feel. This is my take on this piece of beauty. That feeling when you have conquered something, finishing that last piece of writing or finally figured out the next step. This for me is when my little explosion goes off.

Saturday 28 March 2009

Roll it Up

When I was a kid, I use to roll my jeans up, only because I grew so quickly and my mom would buy me jeans that would with stand my growth! But now it’s a fashion thingy, and it looks cool! But I want to know how much is too much, it’s ok to roll, but how much is too much?

Wednesday 11 March 2009

OTT – Over The Top

Thinking big is sometimes how we work, but what happens if it isn’t realistic, should we still go ahead and try and make it. Recently we had a book crit and showed our work to a CD who suggested we should put our “business heads” on! WTF, now I know we should be working to a realistic goal, but why should we limit ourselves, if we don’t think the unbelievable is believable where is the creativity?

Wednesday 4 March 2009

The new Bravia TV ad

Ok so Zoetroping is the next big thing? It’s a good idea because it takes us back to what TV and motion graphics use to be, but saying that they haven’t made the right connection. TV today is supposed to be fast and smooth and above all clear, but by showing it through a Zoetrope we almost see the faults that TV has. The ad would have worked better if the end line was ‘bravia is so much better then this we cant show you on a regular TV ’ well maybe not better but might have made sense.

I once saw a live model of Zoetrope; it was at the Pixar exhibition in London. It was one of the most impressing things I have seen. To be able to see these characters from Toy Story move like they are real. I am now wondering if this will be what we will see after 3D comes to life. Will they make some new break through we can actually see the characters in real form. I’m not talking about holograms, it would only work if it wasn’t transparent and we could be our own directors and view the film from any direction we felt necessary.

Maybe that should have been the ad. Watching something on a Bravia screen is like seeing it there in real life. Wait a minute that sounds like it has been done before.

Thursday 26 February 2009

Tuesday 24 February 2009